UN1XERSE is a cover group that emulates the promotional schedule of real K-pop groups.Each member represents a real group's fandom as they unite under the name of UN1XERSE.


15.01.2024 Regarding the Redebut of UN1XERSE—Thank you for your continued support of UN1XERSE. Due to a long...

This page is still under construction.

15.01.2024 Regarding the Redebut of UN1XERSE

Thank you for your continued support of UN1XERSE.Due to a long period of inactivity, our team has decided to focus on restructuring UN1XERSE for the modern
K-pop community. All previous works have been unlisted and archived as this reorganization is sorted.
We will take extensive measures to maintain the original UN1XERSE while improving quality and branding for the current K-pop covering climate.